Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Good morning everyone, I come to you at about 1:30 AM and for some reason im sitting at home wide awake. Ususallly when im awake at this hour im out with someone or lying in bed trying to sleep, but I don't know how easy sleep is going to come tonight. I really got ALOT on my mind, the whole job thing that im sure everyone is sick of hearing about. However there was one job in the paper that kind of caught my attention, it was a teaching job for a CMA. I really dont know exactly what a CMA would be able to credibly teach, but im gonna send an application in cause it sparked my attention. However i think ive been able to get my options pretty well outlined

1: I stay at sheetz. Take the shift supervisor test and learn how to make food. Supervisors make good money and I can advance further there. I like the job, but the problem is that I dont know if ill like it years down the road. And anyone who looks at sheetz as a lesser form of work, well,,,IM sorry but you are dead wrong. I work my butt off there for a job I like to do and for some reason am quite proud of, and if people cant respect that, well I guess thats tough

2: Go for the M.A thing one more time: I went to school for it, I know the job. Problem is im not sure if I want to get into it again, ive been extremely let down the last 2 times, what says it wont happen again, but then again, or maybe if I actually get a GOOD job where they keep me or dont treat me like yesterdays garbage then it may work

3: Go back to school: OK,,,this is really up in the air. Parts of me want to go to school, but I have no clue where or for what, but I would love to go back,,,but will I love it when im ankle deep in school work?

OK,,,im still thinking this through,,,but for some reason I cant seem to get it out of my head tonight,,,

So anyway, the 46th is coming along nice. We got a new song called "The C,B & Q railroad" which really moves and potential to become a 46th mainstay,,,right up there with "The Mermaid." God I can't wait to go reenacting this year, but as for right now a Saturday trip to Gettysburg will do me good to wet my appetite (and im sorry Amy if im bugging you talking about it alot,,,but hey,,,WOOT to random trips to Gettysburg)

AFter alot of ideas bouncing around in my head, I finally started something new in my little blue notebook. (And on my Alter blog "Passing From yesterday") I know where I want the story to go,,,but I dont know how im gonna get it there. Kinda funny though,,,I actually had a dream where I was the guy in the story, which was kinda odd,,,but the thing on Passing from Yesterday is only the beginning theres more to come

Played Star Wars D & D,,,where Kurgan The Wookiee almost died,,,but in the end he was just in horrible pain

We are catsitting this week. Don's girlfriend needs a place to hide Sammy the car for a few days, so she is in the open arms of the Hughes Household.

Ill try to update more often then the past few times,,,but until then
Blogger Tracey said...
sammy the car???