Well i guess its been a while since i did something on this thing, so ill do this then i have to go unpack my car
Been kinda worked up about work related stuff lately. I had two things in my head that i was going to do. 1: Go full force job hunting after gettysburg and not quit untill i had a job. Or 2: Start off slow, do more relaxing in July and start the job thing head on the first of augist. Well it looks like i am going with option B. I figure this is the first time and around foreverish that i didnt have any kind of school to fuss over, so thats the plan,,,and im actually quite suprised that mom agreed with it.
Im really looking forward to gettysburg, only problem is that im out of ammo,,,HOWEVER i do have a solution. I can buy plack powder whenever, but i need some cartrages. So i figure ill buy a stack of paper and some other related stuff and go down the cottage and rool some. Mainly cause i need an excuse to go down.
Hmm,,,what else?
I got the 4th of july off! ROCK ON!
For some reason i got about a million and 7 comments about the allmighty duffman (oh yeah!) shirt i have. First i got comments from tina at work about it, and then the person in line behind me said something,,,then other people who just kinda said random stuff,,,and finally some odd comments from Tracey and Amy,,,
I think ill do better on my next certification test,,,i hope
i need a shoebox
If anyone outt here knows how,,,i would like to know how to change the header for my blod (the part that has the title) i have been plaing around with stuff and want something like the picture here as a header
I am actually getting up at 415 in the morning tomorow,,,
Well thats about it for me,,,gotta go clean out aunt suzie
u need to chill about job stuff... and certification stuff.
Take it easy... or we'll make you! wa ha ha