ONE: The Person
Birth date: 11/11/1985
Birthplace: Altoona, Pennsylvania
Current Location: Altoona PA
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5`10ish
Righty or Lefty: Depends on what im doing
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Republican or Democrat: Democrat. Dont know, dont care!
TWO: On The Inside
Your ethnicity: white guy
Your weakness: Im a wuss,,,
Your fears: Hights, failure,,,
Your perfect pizza: peperoni (i cant spell)
Goal you'd like to achieve: Have a lasting posative effect on someone, and just life a long happy life
THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM: brb (my dog likes to be a pain)
Your thoughts first waking up: This song sucks,,,
Your best physical feature: None
Your bedtime: whenever im tired
Your most missed memory: Childhood with the family down the cottage
If you could turn back time: I would not change a darn thing!
FOUR: Your Pick
McDonald's or Burger King: Long John SIlvers!
Single or group dates: Ill be lucky to even get one!
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chocolate or vanilla: COCO!
Cappuccino or coffee: Mt. Dew!
FIVE: Do You?
Smoke: hell no
Cuss: i try to avoid to
Sing: when im alone in the cooler at work where no-one will hear me (thank god)
Have a/any crush(es): maybe or maybe not
Loved anyone: Not sure,,,
Like(d) high school: was OK
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: Not as much as i should
Get motion sickness: not often
Think you're a health freak: IM FAT AND LOVING IT!
Get along with your parents: yes
Like thunderstorms: I like to sit in the sunporch and watch it storm,,,
Play an instrument: BEAT DRUM! BEAT DRUM!
SIX: In the past few months have you...
Drank alcohol: no
Smoked: no
Done a drug: caffene
Made Out: no
Been on a date: thats kinda funny when you think about it. ME on a DATE
Gone to the mall: yeah
Eaten sushi: im not a fish person
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: dont know how
Gone skinny dipping: uumm,,,how about not
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen anything: no
SEVEN: Ever...
Played a game that required removal of clothing: i dont like to make people throw up
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
Been caught "doing something": doing what?
Been called a tease: no
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: no
EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: When the time is right
Numbers and Names of Children: 1 2 or 3, and they will get a name when they are born
How do you want to die: I want people to hear about how i died and get totally confused or puzzled. Or just be a really funny or stupid death
What do you want to be when you grow up: Depends on how far i want to go
What country would you most like to visit: Swede, Finland
NINE: On a Girl?
Best eye color?: dosent matter
Best hair color? Still dosent matter
Height: Still Dosent matter
Best clothing?: nothing to fancy or expensive
Best date location: Anywhere we can have fun and enjoy being togeather
TEN: In The Numbers...
Number of people I could trust with my life: eehh,,,
Number of CDs that I own: ALOT
Number of piercings: Two. One in each ear. Z.E.R.O
Number of tattoos: Z.E.R.O
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: Not A few
Number of things in my past that I regret: Never regret what you cannot change
ELEVEN: Favorites
Favorite color: Blue Orange Black
Favorite food: Chicken!
Favorite outfit: jeans and t-shirt
Favorite TV shows: Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Law and Order, anything good and NOT REALITY TV!
Favorite genre of music: Scandanavian Heavy Metal
Favorite stores: Music and NASCAR stores
Favorite time of day: Dusk
Favorite time of year: when the tempreture outside matches the tempreture in my house